Holiday Bouquet Tea Towel


Holiday Bouquet Tea Towel


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Add a gorgeous floral touch to your kitchen this Christmas with Rifle Paper Co.’s Holiday Bouquet Tea Towel.

Featuring illustrations in Rifle Paper Co.’s iconic hand-drawn styles, these screen-printed tea towels are made of 100% cotton and have a corner loop for easy hanging, making them a perfect addition to add a bit of brightness to any kitchen this festive season.

Rifle Paper Co. is a boutique stationery brand and design studio based in Winter Park, Florida founded by designer Anna Bond with her husband Nathan. Their vintage-inspired products feature Anna’s sublime & whimsical designs, which often include hand-painted illustrations and lettering to compose a style that feels both nostalgic and timeless.

Measures 53.3 x 71cm
100% cotton


Rifle Paper Co

Illustrated stationary, paper goods, gifts and home décor founded in 2009 by Anna and Nathan Bond. Based in Florida Rifle Paper Co’s world is full of bold colors, hand-painted florals, and whimsical characters—with the goal to create quality products that bring beauty to the everyday.

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