Nutcracker Puzzle


Nutcracker Puzzle



The perfect way to spend a holiday evening, nothing gets you in the festive spirit like Rifle Paper Co.’s charming Nutcracker 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle.

Based in Winter Park, Florida, Rifle Paper Co. is a boutique stationery brand and design studio that features Anna Bond’s sublime, whimsical designs and illustrations. Specialising in stunning cards, notebooks, paper goods and art prints, Rifle Paper Co. designs are rich with natural warmth and easy charm. And almost all their range is printed in the USA, using environmentally-friendly papers and printing methods, and are assembled by hand.

SIZE: 53cm L × 38cm W when complete
SOURCE: Designed in the USA


Rifle Paper Co

Illustrated stationary, paper goods, gifts and home décor founded in 2009 by Anna and Nathan Bond. Based in Florida Rifle Paper Co’s world is full of bold colors, hand-painted florals, and whimsical characters—with the goal to create quality products that bring beauty to the everyday.

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