Believer Cosy Robe


Believer Cosy Robe



Our women’s robes are always on the top of many wish lists, and our cosy style may be our best robe yet. Made from 100% recycled eco polyester, the full length Believer Cosy Robe is plush and beautifully soft, in a quilted light blue with yellow patch pockets and waist tie. Layer with a pair of our comfy winter PJs and enjoy a toasty winter, wrapped up in warmth.

100% recycled eco polyester.

One size only. Suitable for sizes 6 – 14.

Packaged in a 100% biodegradable cornstarch bag.

Ethically made in China.

Proudly carbon neutral. Independent and female founded.


Kip & Co

Check out the latest designs of Kip & Co at Woodend General. Woodend General is a carefully curated lifestyle store with a strong focus on high quality, functional and ethically made goods for the Home, Garden and Family.

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